Monday, December 24, 2007

Discovered three techniques that transform training into performance art. Each has a distinguishing feature – it’s short, and to the point. Each technique has potential for a trainer's toolkit.

The first is a lightning talk, which lasts about five minutes. Slides are discouraged, and the point is to make a point, and explain it as succinctly as possible. Often given back-to-back as technical presentations, the quickness of the lightening talk format is interesting and entertaining.

The second is pecha kucha (peh-chak-cha), Japanese for chatter or chit-chat. This technique uses a conversational presentation format, consisting of a slide show of 20 images, on any subject, shown for 20 seconds each, for a total time of six minutes and 40 seconds. This format lends itself to a designer show and tell, with the goal to share ideas.

Sharing knowledge and inspiration is the basis of the third technique, an 18 minute talk at a TED conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design). During these talking conferences, there are no breakout groups, so everyone shares the same experience.