Tuesday, October 04, 2005

social simulators

After looking at the Virtual Leader interpersonal skills simulator the other day, I checked out SimuLearn to find out more about social simulations. Virtual Leader is an award winning (ASTD Best Online Product for 2003) computer program that generates virtual 3-D characters that talk and react to input by the user. This type of e-learning simulation represents a new era for training, where real-time interactions determine the outcome of the experience.

Virtual Leader is an advanced application of role play exercises – a simulation type experience most familiar to classroom trainers. The downside of role playing with a human partner is inconsistency and limited character portrayals. Social simulators work around this issue by providing opportunities for unlimited rehearsal with consistent feedback.

What’s different in a computer-based training simulation is the supply of different scenarios, anchored by a visual metaphor for realism. This e-learning trend is more than an elaborately constructed branching design, because the path isn’t scripted in advance of the learning event. Learning is discovery-based - each scenario has so many variables that the outcome is hard to predict. The result is that learners interact with the content on an unlimited number of non-linear pathways.

The instructional design process is extensive in this model. Best advice is to use a worksheet to create the characters, plot and scenes in advance, based on specific performance objectives. Production then depends on the budget, time and development team. I’m looking forward to the creation of social simulation software that provides ready-made templates that allow custom content authoring.


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